To become a member of the Houston Kashruth Association (HKA):
HKA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Your membership will help provide the financial support needed to continue to expand kosher services in the Houston area. Membership is on an annual basis.
Why HKA needs your membership
Maintaining kosher products and services for a community as large as Houston is not easy and requires volunteers and every family’s support. What does it take to make a product or facility like a restaurant kosher? It takes many hours of communication, inspections, technical review and oversight to ensure the highest standards are met. The Houston Kashruth Association (HKA) is a member of the Association of Kashrus Organizations (AKO) and recognized by the Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc).
When a restaurant or a manufacturer contacts the HKA with a request for kashruth support, an initial assessment and inspection is made of the facility. Specific findings and recommendations are made to ensure the facility and its products meet HKA standards. This is a time-consuming process for HKA.
After a facility or product is certified there is on-going supervision and, in some cases, supervision during the entire time of operation for that business. In many cases, fees charged do not cover the actual costs. You may ask why not? HKA encourages businesses like restaurants, hotels and caterers to support our kosher community. Reduced fees are charged to encourage these businesses to provide goods and services needed by our thriving community.
HKA educational services and programs are provided at reduced costs. Need in home help with koshering your home? This is a service provided to Houston consumers at little cost to the consumer but at significant labor cost to HKA.